園部まり子・長岡 徹

顧 問
西間 三馨先生
(国立病院機構 福岡病院名誉院長)




Japanese Mother’s Society for Allergy Care (JMSAC) are advocates for parents who have children with allergies.  As a result, we are engaged in the following activities:


私たちの活動 その1     一人ひとりとじっくり向き合う相談活動



#1: Consultation activities to meet each individual patient.

We listen to our clients’ concerns and we have in-depth discussions with them to ensure they fully understand the medical situation, and if necessary, we refer them to medical specialists.

In order to resolve issues that come up during consultations, we bridge the gap between specialists and schools, daycare centers, and kindergartens, specialists and public health centers, specialists and boards of education, etc. We support lectures and workshops where specialists directly visit schools, daycare centers, and boards of education.


 私たちの活動 その2    正しい医療を学ぶ講演会や懇談会を開催




#2: Lectures and Roundtable Discussions to Learn Proper Medical Treatment.

We hold lectures and round-table discussions with doctors who are certified by the Japanese Society of Allergology and specialists so that patients can have a clear view of medical care. We also publish a collection of records of lectures and workshops that explain correct medical treatment in easy-to-understand language. Through consultation and other activities, we distribute these materials to those who need them and to public health nurses, nutritionists, and other professionals.


私たちの活動 その3     調査・研究をもとに、患者の視点で提案




#3: Proposals from the Patient’s Perspective Based on Surveys and Research

We conduct surveys from the perspective of patients on situations surrounding allergy sufferers at schools, daycare centers, and during disasters, and report the results of the surveys and issues that emerge at academic conferences, etc. We also lobby the national and local governments to resolve the issues.


■□ アレルギーを考える母の会は
患者の視点で課題の解決に取り組みます □■

JMSAC reports on the current situation of patients, what patients want from medical care, and administrative issues, and works to resolve issues from the patients’ perspective.

会顧問 西間三馨(にしま・さんけい)先生


会顧問 西間三馨(にしま・さんけい)先生


Advisor of JMSAC, Sankei Nishima, MD., Ph.D.

Director Emeritus, National Hospital Organization Fukuoka National Hospital. Visiting Professor, Fukuoka University Faculty of Medicine. Professor Emeritus, Fukuoka Jogakuin College of Nursing. He graduated from Kyushu University School of Medicine and has held important positions such as President of the Japanese Society of Allergology, the Japanese Society of Pediatric Allergy and Clinical Immunology, and the Japanese Society of Pediatric Intractable Asthma and Allergic Diseases.  He has devoted himself to improving the social environment surrounding allergy care and patients in Japan.


■研修会や講演会の講師に招いた主な専門医など (50音順、敬称略)

飯野(赤澤)晃 青山アレルギークリニック・なすのがはらクリニック理事長

井上 徳浩    国立病院機構大阪南医療センター小児科医長

今井 孝成    昭和大学医学部小児科学講座教授

内尾 英一    福岡大学医学部眼科教授

江藤 隆史  あたご皮フ科副院長、東京逓信病院皮膚科客員部長、元同病院副院長

海老澤元宏    国立病院機構相模原病院臨床研究センター長

大矢 幸弘   国立成育医療研究センター・アレルギーセンター長

勝沼 俊雄   東京慈恵会医科大学附属 第三病院小児科教授

北沢  博   東北医科薬科大学医学部講師・同大学副アレルギーセンター長

栗原 和幸      元神奈川県立こども医療センターアレルギー科部長

佐藤 さくら   国立病院機構相模原病院臨床研究センター・アレルギー性疾患研究部長

高増 哲也   神奈川県立こども医療センター副アレルギーセンター長

谷口 正実  国立病院機構相模原病院臨床研究センター客員研究部長

中村 陽一  横浜市立みなと赤十字病院アレルギーセンター長

中山 健夫  京都大学大学院 医学研究科 社会健康医学系専攻 健康情報学分野 教授

西間 三馨    国立病院機構福岡病院名誉院長

西本  創  さいたま市民医療センター小児科診療部長

長谷川実穂  小児アレルギーエデュケーター・管理栄養士

林  典子  十文字学園女子大学 人間生活学部准教授・管理栄養士

福家 辰樹  国立成育医療研究センターアレルギーセンター総合アレルギー科診療部長

古川 真弓  さいわいこどもクリニック、前都立小児総合医療センターアレルギー科

益子 育代  前都立小児総合医療センターアレルギー科、小児アレルギーエデュケーター

三浦 克志  宮城県立こども病院アレルギー科科長、東北大学臨床准教授・非常勤講師

森田久美子  都立小児総合医療センターアレルギー科

渡辺 博子  国立病院機構神奈川病院小児アレルギー科医長


Collaboration with healthcare professionals (In no particular order)

Akira Iino (Akasawa), MD., Ph.D., Chairperson, Aoyama Allergy Clinic and Nasunogahara Clinic

Norihiro Inoue, MD., Chief, Department of Pediatrics, National Hospital Organization Osaka Minami Medical Center

Takanori Imai, MD., Ph.D., Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Showa University School of Medicine

Eiichi Uchio, MD., Ph.D., Professor, Department of Ophthalmology, Faculty of Medicine, Fukuoka University

Takahumi Eto, MD., Vice President, Atago Skin Clinic, former Vice President of The Tokyo Teishin Hospital, Visiting Chief, Department of Dermatology, The Tokyo Teishin Hospital

Motohiro Ebisawa, MD., Ph.D., Director, Clinical Research Center for Allergy and Rheumatology, National Hospital Organization Sagamihara National Hospital

Yukihiro Oya, MD., Ph.D., Director, Allergy Center, National Center for Child Health and Development

Toshio Katsunuma, MD., Professor, Department of Pediatrics, The Jikei University Daisan Hospital

Hiroshi Kitazawa, MD., Lecturer, Faculty of Medicine, Tohoku Medical and Pharmaceutical University; Deputy Director, Allergy Center, Tohoku Medical and Pharmaceutical University

Kazuyuki Kurihara, MD., Former Director, Department of Allergy, Kanagawa Children’s Medical Center

Sakura Sato, MD., Director, Department of Allergy and Immunology Research, Clinical Research Center for Allergy and Rheumatology, National Hospital Organization Sagamihara National Hospital

Tetsuya Takamasu, MD., Deputy Director of Allergy Center, Kanagawa Children’s Medical Center

Masami Taniguchi, MD., Ph.D., Director of Visiting Scholars Department, Clinical Research Center, National Hospital Organization Sagamihara National Hospital

Yoichi Nakamura, MD., Director, Allergy Center, Yokohama City Minato Red Cross Hospital

Takeo Nakayama, MD., Ph.D., Professor, School of Publich Health, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University

Sankei Nishima, MD., Ph.D., Director Emeritus, National Hospital Organization Fukuoka National Hospital

Hajime Nishimoto, MD., Director, Department of Pediatrics, Saitama Citizens Medical Center

Miho Hasegawa, BS, RDN, Pediatric Allergy Educator

Noriko Hayashi, MS, RDN, Associate Professor, Faculty of Human Life, Jumonji University

Tatsuki Fukuie, MD., Ph.D., Director, Division of General Allergy, Allergy Center, National Center for Child Health and Development

Mayumi Furukawa, MD., Saiwai Children’s Clinic,Formerly, Department of Allergy, Tokyo Metropolitan Children’s Medical Center,

Ikuyo Masuko, ADN, RN, Pediatric Allergy Educator, Formerly, Department of Allergy, Tokyo Metropolitan Children’s General Medical Center

Katsushi Miura, MD., Ph.D., Chief, Department of Allergy, Miyagi Children’s Hospital, Clinical Associate Professor, Part-time Lecturer, Tohoku University

Kumiko Morita, MD., Department of Allergy, Tokyo Metropolitan Children’s Medical Center

Hiroko Watanabe, MD., Chief, Department of Pediatric Allergy, National Hospital Organization Kanagawa National Hospital





(Background of Establishment)

JMSAC was established in August 1999 by 10 mothers, who based on their shared understanding of having children with allergies, supported each other.  The idea of the organization was based on the experience of the chairperson’s second son who, after struggling with severe asthma, atopic dermatitis, food allergies, rhinitis, conjunctivitis, and other medical issues, without finding appropriate medical care, found a specialist and dramatically recovered his health. In April 2008, the organization was incorporated as a non-profit organization.




(Main Activities)

In order to protect children suffering from allergic diseases who are not well understood by others and are in need of access to high quality health care, we provide “consultation activities” (400 people per year, about 2,000 people in total) to bridge the gap to appropriate medical care and support from schools, preschools, and government agencies, while taking good care of each individual. We also will continue to hold lectures and study groups to learn about “treatment guidelines,” which serve as a guidepost, and to foster adherence to treatment, as well as to conduct surveys, research, and advocacy activities to create a system to support allergy sufferers.





(Background of Activities)

With regard to allergic diseases such as asthma, atopic dermatitis, and food allergy, there are many medical issues where affected children (persons) are not always able to receive appropriate medical care depending on the area where they live, and support for affected children in schools and daycare centers (school lunch for children with food allergy, skin care for children with atopic dermatitis, etc.). There are many challenges and in order to support allergic children in the community, including schools and daycare centers, it is necessary for doctors, public health nurses, nutritionists, and school and daycare center staff to learn about appropriate responses and support based on a better understanding of the disease.





(Patient’s Perspective)

Since its establishment, JMSAC has participated in annual meetings of the Japanese Society of Allergology, Japan Pediatric Society, and the Japanese Society for Pediatric Intractable Asthma and Allergic Diseases to deepen understanding of “guidelines,” EBM, and standard treatment, and has collaborated with many medical specialists.

We have also been working as a “bridge” between patients and specialists, and between local governments and specialists by holding training sessions and other activities to resolve issues at schools and daycare centers. We continue to work as a “bridge” between patients and specialists, and between local governments and specialists by holding training sessions and other activities.




(Collaboration with the government)

In Kanagawa Prefecture, the center of our activities, based on the common understanding that training for professionals is necessary, from FY2009 to FY2013, the JMSAC took charge of training for teachers and staff at schools, daycare centers, and school children in a joint project with the Health and Physical Education Division, Health Promotion Division, Next Generation Development Division, and Private School Promotion Division of the prefectural Board of Education. As for fiscal 2014 and onward, training sessions coordinating specialist physicians are held nationwide in response to requests from patients and the government. Since Covid 19, large-scale online training sessions have been held, and teachers, public health nurses, and other professionals from all over the country have participated.



平成24年     内閣府「避難所における良好な生活環境の確保に関する検討会」委員
平成25年     文科省「学校給食における食物アレルギー対応に関する調査研究協力者会議」委員
平成26年     文部科学省「学校給食における食物アレルギー対応マニュアル作成委員会」委員
平成26年     文部科学省「学校事故対応に関する調査研究有識者会議」委員
平成26年      消費者庁「外食等におけるアレルゲン情報の提供の在り方検討会」委員
平成27年       小児アレルギー学会「小児気管支喘息治療・管理ガイドライン2017」作成委員
平成27年      厚生労働省「アレルギー疾患対策推進協議会」委員
平成30年~   日本小児アレルギー学会「小児気管支喘息治療・管理ガイドライン」作成委員
平成30年~   日本小児アレルギー学会「食物アレルギー診療ガイドライン」作成委員
平成30年      学校保健会「学校のアレルギー疾患に対する取り組みガイドライン」改訂委員
平成30年       厚生労働省「免疫アレルギー疾患研究戦略検討会」委員
平成30年~ 山梨県「アレルギー疾患対策協議会」委員
令和4年  川崎市医療政策審議会保健部会臨時委員
令和6年  神奈川県「アレルギー疾患対策推進協議会」委員

Member of government study groups, guidelines, etc.

2012 Member of “Study Group on Ensuring a Good Living Environment in Evacuation Shelters”, Cabinet Office, Government of Japan

2013 Member of the “Investigative Research Collaborators’ Meeting on Food Allergy in School Lunches,” Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT)

2014 Member of the “Committee for the preparation of a manual for food allergy in school lunch”, MEXT

2014 Member of the Expert Committee for Investigation and Research on Response to School Accidents, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology

2014 Member of the “Investigative Committee for the Provision of Allergen Information in Food Service, etc.”, Consumer Affairs Agency

2015 Member of the preparation committee for the “Guidelines for the Treatment and Management of Pediatric Bronchial Asthma 2017” of the Japanese Society of Pediatric Allergy, Japan

2015 Member of the “Council for Promotion of Allergy Disease Measures”, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare

2018- Member of the preparation committee for “Guidelines for the Treatment and Management of Pediatric Bronchial Asthma”, Japanese Society of Pediatric Allergy.

2018- Member of the preparation committee for the “Food Allergy Treatment Guidelines” of the Japanese Society of Pediatric Allergy

2018 Member of the revision committee for “Guidelines for Efforts against Allergic Diseases in Schools”, School Health Association, Japan.

2018 Committee member of the “Research Strategy Study Committee for Immunological Allergy Diseases”, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, Japan.

2018- Member of “Allergy Disease Countermeasures Council”, Yamanashi Prefecture.

2022 Temporary member of the Health Subcommittee of the Kawasaki City Medical Policy Council

2024 Member of the “Council for Promotion of Allergy Disease Measures”, Kanagawa Prefecture.




Collaboration with news organizations

We consulted with Asahi Shimbun (including AERA), Yomiuri Shimbun, Mainichi Shimbun, Chunichi Shimbun, Kanagawa Shimbun, NHK, Kyodo News, Jiji Press, TBS, Toyo Keizai Shinpo, etc. for planning, and provided information on allergic diseases and the specialist doctors they interviewed.





The 24th Kanagawa Regional Social Business Award (Kanagawa Shimbun, December 2012)

The 9th Kanagawa Child and Child Rearing Support Award (sponsored by Kanagawa Prefecture, November, 2015)

The 69th “Health Culture Award” (sponsored by Dai-ichi Life Insurance, supported by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, Asahi Shimbun Health Culture Foundation, NHK Health Culture Foundation, October, 2017)




Companies that have provided support (FY 2023, in no particular order)

GlaxoSmithKline K.K.
Torii Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd
Sanofi K.K.
Novartis Pharma K.K.
Research & Development Center, NH Foods Ltd
Pfizer Japan Inc.
Mylan EPD G.K.
Maruho Co., Ltd
Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.
AbbVie GK




Organizations receiving grants (FY2023, in no particular order)

Japan Welfare and Medical Service Organization (JWMO)
Nippon Ham Foundation for the Future of Food
The Kanagawa Prefectural Council of Social Welfare, Tomoshibi Fund


●特定非営利活動法人 アレルギーを考える母の会  

<役員> 〇代表理事 園部まり子 長岡徹
     〇理  事 大森幸恵 坂口智恵 荒木洋子
     〇監  事 岩田文江

<連絡先> 〒241-0024 横浜市旭区本村町17-1-106 NPO法人アレルギーを考える母の会
                 FAX 045-362-3106



Chairperson- Mariko Sonobe
Secretary General- Toru Nagaoka

Yukie Omori
Tomoe Sakaguchi
Yoko Araki
Fumie Iwata

Global Communications Manager- Shoko Kurita


<定款> アレルギーを考える母の会定款はこちら

<決算報告> 令和5年度収支決算書はこちら